Some helpful things to think about before meeting: What areas do you want transformed with Hardwood Art Flooring? What is the room’s purpose and flow? Is there furniture and/or points of interests to consider? Do you have a theme idea, such as your passions or interests or your own design ideas?
Three designs will be proposed in drawing form. You can choose a single design or we can combine ideas to create a single idea or from all three and then fine tune the design until we reach a final idea to fabricate.
Fabrication (50% down to start)
The area of the floor is mapped and measured. The humidity and moisture content of your home is measured and monitored. The majority of your Hardwood Art Floor is produced in the shops of Ourada Designs prior to installation.
Installation (40% upon material arrival)
Materials are acclimated to your home environment. Materials are installed when acclimated. Some fabrication on site will usually need to be done. Final payment of 10% when installation is complete.