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Crafting the Wallace Family’s Craftsman Stairs

In the world of custom home renovations, the impact of a beautifully designed staircase paired with a harmonious hardwood floor can transform a house into a beloved home. My journey with the Wallace family’s staircase renovation highlights my commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Beginning a Transformation

My relationship with the Wallace family began years ago with a simple hardwood floor installation. This initial project laid the groundwork for a trusted partnership that would span well over a decade. In 2017, our collaboration took a significant step forward when the Wallaces decided to transform their carpeted stairs as part of a comprehensive home remodel. The task was clear: to create a set of custom-made Craftsman stairs that would stand the test of time and reflect the family’s elegant style.

Choosing the Right Materials

The choice of material was crucial to achieving the desired outcome for the Wallace’s stairs. I opted for oak over the original carpet for its durability and aesthetic appeal. Oak’s robust nature and distinctive grain patterns ensured it would integrate seamlessly with the existing stained oak flooring, creating a cohesive look throughout the home. This decision wasn’t just about enhancing the space’s beauty; it was about crafting an environment built to last, ensuring that every step taken on these floors reflected both elegance and enduring quality.

The Wallace Craftsman Stairs started with carpeted stairs.

The Craftsmanship of Craftsman Stairs

Craftsman stairs are celebrated for their clean lines and sturdy construction, elements that were paramount in the Wallace project. I undertook the meticulous process of rebuilding the existing stair stringers, which involved replacing the 3/4″ plywood and old carpet with oak treads that featured a modern, squared-off edge. The new design not only honored the traditional Craftsman style but also brought a contemporary flair to the space. A dark stain was applied to the stairs, providing a striking contrast that accentuated the staircase’s elegant design.

Attention to Detail

In crafting the Wallace’s staircase, every detail was meticulously considered. From the precisely painted wall stringers to the custom-stained handrail, each element was thoughtfully designed to create a warm and inviting entryway. The selection of high-quality oak and the choice of a rich, dark stain enhanced the staircase’s visual appeal. These details are what transform the functional aspects of a house into the aesthetic centerpieces that make a home truly special, reflecting both the homeowner’s style and the artisan’s commitment to quality.

The Wallace Craftsman stairs

More Than Just a Project

Reflecting on this project, it becomes apparent that my work with the Wallace family transcends the physical construction of a staircase. Over 15 years, I have built a relationship based on mutual trust and respect, allowing us to collaborate closely and combine their vision with my expertise. This staircase is not just a structure but a centerpiece of their home, symbolizing our shared commitment to creating beautiful, lasting spaces.

The choice of material was crucial to achieving the desired outcome. I opted for oak over the original carpet for its durability and aesthetic appeal. Oak’s robust nature and distinctive grain patterns ensured it would integrate seamlessly with the existing stained oak flooring, creating a cohesive look throughout the home. This decision wasn't just about enhancing the space's beauty; it was about crafting an environment built to last, ensuring that every step taken on these floors reflected both elegance and enduring quality.

The Reward of Craftsman-ship

As the Craftsman stairs project came to a close, I was reminded once again why I am passionate about this work. Witnessing the Wallaces’ satisfaction with the completed staircase was profoundly rewarding. Their continued trust in me to handle their home’s renovations—whether it’s refinishing old floors or installing new hardwood in their lake house—encourages me to maintain high standards in every project I undertake.

The Wallace Craftsman Stairs

The Wallace staircase project exemplifies the beauty of custom hardwood floors and well-crafted staircases. At Ourada Designs, I pride myself on not just meeting my client’s expectations but exceeding them, creating spaces that are not only visually stunning but also embody the essence of the homeowners. Through meticulous planning, skilled craftsmanship, and close client collaboration, I continue to transform homes into treasured spaces.

To learn more about my process for creating custom hardwood floors, click here. You can also see some of the awards my floors have won here.

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