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Art Deco Hardwood Floors in Magnolia

Wrapping up the Art Deco Seattle project I teased a few weeks ago has been a deeply rewarding experience. This project started from a simple yet promising interaction at the Seattle Home & Garden Show. It’s always fascinating how a single conversation can evolve into a significant opportunity, and this time, it led me to the charming Magnolia neighborhood of Seattle.

Building Connections at the Seattle Home & Garden Show

The Seattle Home & Garden Show is an event I look forward to every year. It’s not just about showcasing our work; it’s about connecting with people who share a passion for exquisite craftsmanship and innovative design. It was here that I met a remarkable contact who eventually opened the doors to this fantastic project in Magnolia. This connection turned out to be more than just business; it was the beginning of a creative collaboration that would lead to one of my most exciting projects to date.

A drawing of an Art Deco custom hardwood floor in Magnolia, Seattle.

Collaboration with Nathie Katzoff: Elevating the Craft

Enter Nathie Katzoff of NKWoodworking, an incredible wood and glass artist whose reputation precedes him. Nathie’s work is nothing short of extraordinary, blending the natural beauty of wood with the elegance of glass to create pieces that are both functional and artistic. When Nathie invited me to join the project, I knew it was going to be something special. Working alongside someone of Nathie’s caliber was both an honor and a challenge that I eagerly embraced.

Exploring Art Deco in Magnolia: A New Style

The project in Magnolia presented an opportunity to explore a new style that I had been keen on experimenting with. The home’s design was leaning towards Art Deco, a style known for its bold geometric patterns, rich colors, and luxurious materials. Art Deco is not just a design style; it’s a statement of elegance and sophistication that can transform any space into a work of art. Listening to the contractor and designer describe their vision for the home was truly inspiring. Their passion for creating something unique and beautiful resonated with me deeply.

The Unveiling: A Drawing That Captured the Vision

One of the highlights of this project was the moment I surprised the team with a drawing that encapsulated their vision. It’s always a bit nerve-wracking to present a new idea, but I was confident that my interpretation of their plan would resonate with them. When I unveiled the drawing, their reaction was beyond my expectations. They loved it, and that moment of shared excitement was a reminder of why I love what I do. It’s about bringing ideas to life and seeing the joy and satisfaction it brings to everyone involved.

Tapping into Uniqueness: The Magnolia Art Deco Project

The Magnolia Art Deco project was not just another job; it was a creative journey that allowed me to tap into the uniqueness of the home. Each project I undertake has its own story, its own character, and this one was no different. The team working on the remodel had a clear vision for an Art Deco-inspired entrance, and I was more than happy to design a custom hardwood floor that matched their aspirations. The goal was to create a space that not only met their expectations but exceeded them, turning the entrance into a stunning first impression.

Crafting the Perfect Floor: A Blend of Beauty and Function

Creating a custom hardwood floor that embodies the Art Deco style requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the materials. The patterns need to be precise, the colors vibrant, and the finish flawless. Every piece of wood is handpicked for its grain and color, ensuring that the final product is a harmonious blend of natural beauty and artistic expression. This project was a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication that Ourada Designs brings to every job.

A Shining Example: The Outcome of Passion and Collaboration

The Magnolia project stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when passion, creativity, and collaboration come together. It’s not just about creating a beautiful floor; it’s about crafting a piece of art that becomes an integral part of the home’s identity. Each step of the process, from the initial concept to the final installation, was a journey of discovery and innovation.

A Grateful Heart and a Stunning Art Deco Masterpiece

As I wrap up this project, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. It’s projects like these that remind me why I started Ourada Designs. It’s about making connections, exploring new ideas, and ultimately, creating masterpieces that stand the test of time. The Magnolia Art Deco floor is not just a floor; it’s a statement, a first impression that will greet visitors with its stunning beauty for years to come.

A picture of a custom hardwood art floor in the Art Deco style.

To learn more about my process for creating custom hardwood floors, click here.

You can also see some of the awards my floors have won here.

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